Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Deep Purple in Tirana

This has nothing to do with Interior Design. While still in High School during 1987-88, it was impossible to even find an original audio tape with their album in Tirana. Usually, we would record from any foreign Radio or TV shows (forget about copyrights, it was illegal anyway) and then listen to songs like Smoke on the water, while getting together in various underground (nothing explicitly political) events. Old and new songs, they represented what was best out there. It would have never crossed our minds that any of these groups, would be allowed to have one day, Tirana in their tour agenda.


Tirana Interior Design Community said...

Sorry, I was trying to edit this post and accidentally I deleted the comments.

tetena said...

Mirdita, edhe mua me duket ideja shume e mire te flasesh per arkitekturen ne tr. Une kam ca foto te shtepish te vjetra ne tr te marra kete vere. Nga ana tjeter mundohem te listoj blogje ne shqip ose mbi shqiperine ne nje blog qe quhet http://blogshqip.blogspot.com/

do te doja te vija dhe blogun tend veƧ ka ca kohe qe me duket qe ai po fle gjume (ha ha). Pershendetje dhe nese je gjalle ti ose sidomos blogu, shfaqu.